In Alaska there are lots of homeschooling options. The state has a statute which basically says that if you are a child’s parent or guardian you can educate them. The end. No other requirements, no tests, no reporting. You are their mama and in control (as it should be!) Along with having a private tutor or being a part of a religious private school, one option is to homeschool as a part of the public school system. Because Alaska is so large and areas can be so remote, homeschooling used to be quite the neccessity. It meant schooling out of a box—correspondence school. Now things have changed and homeschoolers have an entire plethora of options. Here you can join a group (sort of extension of the public schools) and if you meet the requirements, you get money to support your students. A LOT of money. Around $2,000 a child. I have only homeschooled in Louisiana and Alabama both of which give parents a good bit of freedom. I was nervous about joining a group in which I had to...
8 years ago at around this time Jackie was graduating from seminary after 5 years of being in New Orleans. We were excited and full of hope. It felt like after years of preparation our lives were now going to REALLY begin! The seminary had hosted a sort of ministry fair for students to meet with representatives from across the United States. Jackie talked to me about which state representatives he’d like to talk with as we planned our perfect life out in our heads (HA!). He mentioned Alaska which I quickly vetoed; we thought it would be lovely to live near the mountains somewhere out west—maybe Colorado? Montana? However, I went back and told him to talk to the Alaska guy if he wanted to because I didn’t think it was right that I should tell him no. I don’t remember all the states he inquired about that day. I remember him bringing home a memo pad that said West Virginia on it, and I remember him talking ALL ABOUT ALASKA. Now when God speaks to me I unfortunately do not have...