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Showing posts from June, 2011

How Keven Newsome Made Me Cry

About a year after we moved to New Orleans a new couple--Keven and DeAnna--and their two children moved into our building. We lived on the same floor and their daughter was around the same age as Jathan so our paths crossed here and there, mainly on the playground. I was delighted when DeAnna invited me over for a play date along with some other mommies and their kids as a sort of I-need-to-talk-to-a-grown-up fellowship. Because I really, really need to talk to grown ups. Since then DeAnna, a budding photographer, has taken my and my kids' pictures and our families have hung out a little. Keven works for Campus Police so we faithfully nod at him as we pass the guard shack each day. You know, normal stuff. Then I started hearing about Keven's book, some sort of Christian novel. Apparently, I learned, he's into writing and was trying to publish a book. I sort of dismissed the thought and there may or may not have been a slight eye roll involved because, c'mon, how many f...

Sure to leave a bad taste in your mouth...

Last week my cousin shared a link to an article from a natural health website about one "shocking fact" that you won't find on vaccine consent forms. It talked about the fact that many vaccines (polio; measles, mumps, and rubella, chickenpox and shingles; hepatitis a; and rabies) are grown in human fetal tissue which was originally obtained from abortions performed in the 60s. Our family was aware of this issue; in fact, this was one of the main reasons we chose not to continue to vaccinate our children. We are pro-life and want to live in a way that truly reflects that. The article also brought up some issues I was completely unaware of, however. Not only have companies begun to use human fetal cells in anti-aging creams but the atrocious practice has made it's way into the food industry as well. " Cells from an aborted fetus may have been used to create flavor enhancers for your soup or soft drink. Yes, you read that right. PepsiCo, Kraft Foods, and Nestle ar...

Sunday (School) Shoes

Girls, did you have a pair of patent leather Sunday shoes when you were little--the ones with straps and the heels that clicked in an oh-so-grown-up way when you walked? Or am I the only one with a shoe obsession that extends all the way back to preschool? Yes, I remember my aunt coming over to my house when I was little and slipping out of the heels she'd worn all day at work to rest her feet. I was delighted because that meant I could slip right into them and clip clop around the house the whole time she was there. Well not many things have changed. That same aunt (and another one) still send me shoes every now and then. You can bet if you've complimented me on a pair of cute shoes they came from one of them. And ever since we joined FBNO and have been a part of the 20-something Sunday school class I've noticed one thing in particular: everyone's shoes! In fact on occasion I've been intimidated by the awesomeness of other people's shoes compared to my own. Jus...

Hittin' the Pool

Today, on Piper's one-month birthday, I decided to venture out to the pool with the kiddos. We went lots and lots last year but that was when Ryland would nap in the stroller and I could splash around with Jathan. I wasn't sure how Ryland would like it this year and I was even less certain that Piper would sleep peacefully in the stroller since she much prefers her mama's arms. But we went anyway and I made sure to bring the camera! Jathan has been a few times with a friend earlier this summer so he felt right at home and jumped right in! I put Piper in her stroller and crossed my fingers. Turned out Ryland prefered to hang out pool side. The learn-to-swim suit? Not so great. I'll be bringing the float next time. So I followed him around and held Piper because she was so not into laying in the stroller. Ryland walked here and there checking out the pool chairs and throwing balls to Jathan. I nursed Piper and ended up hopping in the (baby) pool with her (still nursing!) ...

Dollars and Sense

So I've been thinking about money. It's a topic that comes up a lot whether you have a lot of it or little of it. There's been much talk about the economy lately. Everywhere you turn people are saying, "With the economy the way it is these days..." Even the Bible contains over 2,000 verses that have to do with money, finances, stewardship, etc. It's something that no one can avoid thinking about. As a woman, a mother, and wife--of a seminary student no less--it's something that I've definitely had to think about. There are questions we all face but "Will I work outside the home?" is one at the forefront of marriage and motherhood it seems. I did work for several years but then when God called us to New Orleans, He blessed me with the opportunity to stay at home. This was 100% the best thing for our family and completely Biblical in my opinion (Titus 2:3-5). That's not to say it has been easy. There have certainly been times when I've ...

Happy Birthday, Keeleigh!

In October of 1998, I discovered that Keeleigh was on the way. I was 15 at the time so the news wasn't universally received as joyous news but I was really so excited. Even as a child I'd always envisioned spending my life as a mother. No, at the time I had no idea what that truly meant but Keeleigh has taught me well over the years. God blessed me with exactly what I needed and there's no doubt that Keeleigh's very existence has made me a better person. I'm so thankful for her. I will never forget seeing her for the first time as a little jumping peanut up on the fuzzy ultrasound screen. I was amazed that I could see the heart and the legs and arms of such a tiny creature. She was already beautiful to me. June 10, 1999...5 days to go! Months past and things got easier and harder all at the same time. I guess that's part of growing up. I was 37 weeks pregnant when I developed high blood pressure and the doctor decided to induce. One of the main things I remembe...

2 Weeks Old

As of 2:16 this morning, Piper is 2 weeks old. Cue the reminiscent sighs of mothers out there and the eye rolls of the fathers. I happened to mention the fact that Piper was almost 2 weeks old last night to Jackie and got just that--the eye roll. I guess guys just don't get it. But being the sentimental female person that I am, it saddens me. Though I was quite round and somewhat uncomfortable 2 weeks ago I honestly wasn't in a hurry to have her. When I knew that she was going to be born the next day, I started paying attention to her every movement wanting to savor those last few moments of our ultimate connection. Maybe it's because I'm getting older or maybe it's because Piper's the fourth child but all of a sudden my "remember this" switch has been flipped. As the space grows wider between that moment when I first knew that she existed and the present, I cling more and more to the essence of those seconds, hours, and days. Not only her but Keeleigh...

Thing I Love About Babies # 912

I love the way that Piper roots around looking for milk. It starts out slowly like the thought just came to her then she gets more serious about it twisting and turning her head. I imagine her talking to her little baby self saying, "Now where did I put that boob? I KNOW it was around here somewhere! This side? No. Over here?!" It cracks me up. Don't judge me...I'm sleep deprived. = P

Loving Shutterfly Lately!

A little while back I got a coupon for a free hard-cover photo book from Shutterfly at Winn Dixie which I used to scrapbook my pregnancy with Piper and her birth and first days. I thought it was a great deal especially when as a new customer I got 50 free prints as well. My order said that I saved a total of almost $38! Right now they're having some great deals as well. I made these cute birth announcements using one of the great pictures DeAnna took for us and got 5 free (about $15 worth). Stationery card View the entire collection of cards. They have several good offers going on right now if anyone wants some free cards or a percentage off gifts for Father's Day!