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Showing posts from October, 2011

Five Months!

I can't believe that Piper is five months old already! It sounds so cliche but the time really has flown by. She is still my chunky monkey and her hair is coming in thicker---looks like it will definitely be dark! And her eye color is changing. This is a first for me because all of my other children have the blue eyes they were born with. Piper's eyes are looking hazel or brown; I can't wait to find out! She doesn't want to lay down hardly at all but prefers sitting up and checking out everything. Her favorite activity is chewing on her mama's fingers although she really loves her taggie blanket, too. Piper is grabbing for everything within her reach and has rolled over once. I know it won't be long before she's on the move! I like to think she's a mama's girl but the truth is she adores her entire family. She pretty much dives for her daddy when he gets near and lights up when Keeleigh talks to her. Jathan and Ryland are becoming experts at enter...

In the footsteps of Lewis and Clark

Last week we started a new unit study as part of our KONOS curriculum. We are learning about frontiersmen, specifically Lewis and Clark first of all. We've barely gotten our feet wet but it's already been so much fun following in the footsteps of these famous explorers. We are reading through several books one of which I really love; it's entitled The Men of the Lewis and Clark Expedition  and is " a detailed biographical roster and a composite diary of the expedition that highlights the roles and actions of the expedition's members." It's so interesting reading the story from the viewpoint of the people who were there! One of the first activities that Keeleigh completed was making moccasins. Turns out that even with a pre-cut kit that moccasin making is a little tough!  Keeleigh figured it out, though, and pretty soon... she had some comfy new shoes. Later that week Keeleigh got to try the moccasins out on a little expedition of our own. S...

When I Grow Up...

I've honestly wanted to be a million things "when I grow up." I remember wanting to be an obstetrician before I could even spell the word because I loved babies and was intrigued by the miracle of birth. When I was little I would often "adopt" babies of every color (one of my favorites was Susan, an Asian baby with beautiful black hair) and play school with them. I made worksheets for them and read them books at their school--my playhouse in the backyard. My brother and I also turned the playhouse into a restaurant from time to time with crayon menus and grass salads; I've always envisioned how much fun it would be to have an Italian restaurant! At one point I thought it would be great to be a lawyer--not sure why but I think it had something to do with my belief that lawyers make big bucks! In high school economics we had to plan a business and I chose to open a girl's clothing store called Sugar and Spice. One side would be the "sugar" side...

Iron Mommy

Back when we had satellite TV, Jackie and I used to enjoy watching Iron Chef (and anything else on the Food Network!). Today as I cooked supper I couldn't help but think, they ain't got NOTHING on me. Why? Do you seriously think Morimoto could cook with a baby wailing in the background, a toddler at his feet pulling all the spare pots and pans from the cabinet, and a preschooler saying, "Can I help you?" over and over. Even if he could, would the whole family (even the picky preteen) eat what he cooked? I think not. Consider this a challenge Morimoto. And if you're reading this Bobby Flay, I'm up for a throw down.

We Went Out Walking (Slightly Before Midnight)

At dinner tonight Jathan asked no fewer than 100 times if we could take a walk. So as soon as we finished up, I buckled Piper into the stroller and we set off, leaving Ryland behind getting a bath from Daddy. (Keeleigh had gone to church with a friend.) It was dark already and Jathan loved it. "Which way do you want to go?" I asked him. "That way!" he decided. We walked down the street towards the back of campus. All of a sudden he did something new..."Look at me, Mama, I'm a horse!" Jathan said, galloping. It was so cute! I wasn't sure if they'd taught him that at PE or if he'd just picked it up on his own but for some reason at that moment, I was one proud mommy as if calculus comes right after acquiring the ability to gallop or something. = ) We meandered slowly, as four-year old's often do, taking note of the stars. "How many stars do you think are out in space, Jathan?" "I don't know. How many SPACESHIPS ...

If You Can't Be a Good Example...

There's this saying that I love, and it goes, "If you can't be a good example, be a horrible warning." I was thinking about it yesterday sitting in church listening to the sermon. Our pastor has been "sitting down with the patriarchs" (Matthew 8:11) and although Joseph isn't mentioned in that NT verse, he is including him in our studies. Listen to the sermon by clicking here.  Or read the notes by clicking here . One of the things that stands out as you study these patriarchs--Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (and Joseph) is that they've got troubles! Bro. David went so far as to say that they are messed up . It's true. They were jealous, deceptive liars who allowed their families to be terribly effected by their disobedience to God. By the time we get to Joseph in the story, the tale is riddled with the tender pain of jealousy along with outright hatred; Joseph's brothers are murderous. They didn't get there by themselves; they had their re...

Sleepyheads in my Bed

I love it when we get the opportunity to all wake up slowly on a Saturday morning. One by one little smiling faces still rubbing sleepy eyes find their way to my bed. Sometimes we curl up together and doze back off. Sometimes we talk about the last night's dreams. Sometimes we just tickle and giggle. Always I wish I could remember forever the way these little warm bodies feel, the way their little fingers curl around mine, and the way their smiles light up the morning. Last night Piper slept well after a couple of rough nights and I was so, so thankful! It was the first night I'd put "winter" pajamas on her. I left her un-swaddled for the first time and it was adorable the way she threw her arms up over her head in her sleep. Piper woke up first this morning. Then Jathan crept in. "Can I hold her?" he asked. I could not resist grabbing the camera! He shared his toy with her. Yes, when you have brothers sometimes you teethe on Destroyers! "She ca...