On Wednesday of this week, I was officially 26 weeks pregnant with our twins! I still feel comfortably far away from D-day (delivery day, that is) and although my doctor recommended that I pre-register at the hospital at 24 weeks, I'm putting that off. I just don't really want to think about the hospital yet! No offense to any people in the medical profession, but I hate it. I guess I'm glad it's there to serve it's purpose, of course, but I do not want to be the one in need. Alas, Jackie has said no to homebirth. The guy won't even cut the umbilical cord at the hospital so I don't think he could handle me popping out a couple of babies on the couch or something, ha ha. So, the #1 question from people who don't know me is, "Wow, so, you're about ready to pop, huh?" The greeter at Walmart, the manager at Popeyes, etc. Seriously, when the manager at Popeyes asked me that a couple of days ago and I explained things to her, I thought her eye...
Our Family's Every Day Adventures in NOLA...And Beyond!