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Showing posts from June, 2014

How Hobby Lobby Got It Wrong

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard about the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby today. This ruling was a huge deal in that it supported both religious liberty and personal freedom. While I am very happy with the outcome, I have been bothered with many of the details of Hobby Lobby's stance on contraceptives. See, the whole case is about how Hobby Lobby refused to comply with government mandates on providing certain drugs through insurance. Hobby Lobby does not want to provide "emergency contraceptives" because they believe them to be abortifacients. It is their position that life begins at conception therefore they do not support the use of drugs which could abort a fertilized egg (after conception but before implantation--which is when it's generally agreed upon that pregnancy begins). Here's a screenshot of an article I read where their representatives express this viewpoint:  Specifically they refuse to pay for the c

Two Things

Two thoughts have been rolling around in my head lately.  First, Proverbs 22:6. "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." If when you look around this world you see a lot of people who are not going the way they should be going, then you can almost be certain that no one trained them as children. Then you should not make that same mistake. TRAIN your children. Every day. Intentionally.  Second, when considering grown ups who make decisions contrary to decisions you would make it's important to remember that they are grown ups. And grown ups have the right to make their own decisions. And most likely that doesn't affect your life as much as your lack of self-discipline and faith. Example: Christians who want to point out how everyone else is not living right but who have yet to ascend to heaven as a result of having achieved perfection themselves. (Talking to myself, too, here.) I say, live and let live. But REALLY live!

Keeping Toddlers Busy

I've seen and pinned lots of ideas on Facebook and Pinterest about keeping babies and toddlers busy. I love the idea of sensory bins and busy bags and water tables but today I thought I'd share a few things that have been working for us.  If you have toddlers you might... Keep a basket next to your bed filled with books you'd like to read, your journal, etc. and of course pens.  Skip cabinet locks. Keep your costume jewelry in a low drawer. Hand them a coloring book and crayons. Watch them throw them down one at a time saying uh oh each time.  Sadly I didn't get a picture of their banana smashing adventure or their favorite educational activity: tearing the entire toilet paper roll into tiny pieces and/or putting an entire roll of toilet paper directly into the toilet.  What are some of your favorite ways to keep baby busy?  Anyone want to babysit?