Personal thoughts of special needs... I suppose this topic has come to my mind because of all the abortion talk lately. Many times abortion is recommended because it is known/believed that a person has conditions which we find undesirable. The terms for this general condition have changed over the years, and, for the most part, society uses PC terms now but the main gist is that the child won’t be “normal.” What does that really mean, and why do we find that to be so terrible that we would, in some cases, choose to end that life rather than deal with the heartbreak, hardship, or mere inconvenience of helping another person to live? Because that’s often what it means: not that we believe a child hasn’t the capacity for life but that we caregivers haven’t the capacity for giving the necessary care. Back to the question of so-called normalcy. We so often pity anyone who is unable to live a “normal” life, anyone who can’t for any reason enjoy THE highest standard of living i...
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