Keeleigh has outgrown doing all but the most sophisticated crafts with me but thank goodness Jathan is as into them (usually) as I am. We spent all of Saint Patrick's Day having fun with crayons, glue, and construction paper--yea!
This rainbow and shamrock mobile was our first craft. You can find a template and instructions by clicking here.
Ryland saw that I had my camera and grunted at me until I pointed it at him. This is what I got when I did:
The second activity we did was making rainbow ice cubes. We used food coloring to experiment making different colors and shades of colors. When we were satisfied, we covered the tray with plastic wrap then inserted popsicle sticks into each cube and waited for them to freeze.
While we were waiting for the water to freeze, we made a color chart with the colors of the rainbow on it.
Finally the ice cubes were ready!
*My* idea was to use them to paint a rainbow but Jathan got super creative and decided to paint a leprechaun instead! "Here's his beard," he said. Ha, ha!
Isn't he the cutest leprechaun you ever saw?
Next we talked about the legend of Saint Patrick driving the snakes out of Ireland and made a springy spiral snake.
Ta da!
We've also been working on a very simple lapbook about Saint Patrick's Day and Ireland. Here's the front...
And here's the inside...
And here's the back...
The last craft we did was to stamp shamrocks using a heart shaped stamper. Originally I was going to make a stamper out of a potato but as it turns out we ate all the potatoes. I ended up just cutting out a heart shape from one of the sponges I got at Dollar Tree.
All these fun crafts and an afternoon of playing outside in the green grass and sunshine made my boys super happy!
And that made their Mama happy!
And here's one last picture of my sweet Jathan loving on his little sis. He already talks to her and hugs her and shows her his toys. I think our little one is going to have a very endearing big brother!
Hope everyone had a great Saint Patrick's Day and didn't get pinched!
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