I am so thankful that I've gotten to be a part of my church family. We became members at First Baptist New Orleans a few months after we moved here and I must confess that I didn't really want to join. I just wasn't feeling it and didn't know why Jackie was but he was certain that's where God was leading us and I trust his judgment completely so we went for it. That was almost 3 years ago and over the past 3 years it sure has grown on me. This morning I sat in the pew looking around at all the people around me. There's no way I'll ever know all of them and their stories but they are beautiful to me none the less. I love the diversity: young, old, and in-between; red, brown, yellow, black, and white; rich, poor; dressed up, dressed down; fancy french twists next to purple dread locks; hymns and electric guitars. We all come together, blending perfectly into a picture of worship. I love the heart that these people have for the city and for the world. Nev...