Brooklyn and Braelyn are one year old!
Over the last month Brooklyn has learned to scoot around pretty fast and can now pull up on her own. She has crawled a very short distance on her hands and knees a couple of times. She still nurses throughout the day and night and eats solid food well. She is not picky at all! Her favorite toys by far are balls. She actually has a pretty good throwing arm!
Braelyn is a super fast crawler now! She has stood on her own twice. Braelyn nurses more frequently than Brooklyn often throughout the night. She still prefers sleeping with mama. Braelyn is a bit of a picky eater. She has to check out what we are offering her. She loves eggs and peas (though not necessarily at the same time). Like her sister she loves playing with balls. She also hugs and kisses her babydolls.
We celebrated the Saturday before their actual birthday with a princess party for the twincesses! Lots of friends and family joined us. We served crown-shaped sandwiches, fruit kabob magic wands, dipped pretzel sticks, cookies with strawberry icing, and sausage balls.
Guests began arriving at around 1:30 and at 2:00 when the party was supposed to officially begin, the babies fell fast asleep! We let them have a little nap while we took a bunch of cute pictures of the sleeping beauties!
We woke them up after about 30 minutes for some cake. Their confused faces were hilarious during the Happy Birthday song! Brooklyn dove nose first into her cupcake, but Braelyn took her time. She kept looking at Brooklyn like she was nuts!
The babies received so many gifts including matching outfits, gift cards, diapers, wipes, two cute Mooshka dolls, and an activity table.
It was a great day!
On their actual birthday, we celebrated with supper at Nana and Pappy's house. My mom had made them cupcakes arranged in the shape of a number one.
Then they opened two little presents-- their favorite toys.
I'm so thankful that God put these two little miracles into our lives. Their first year had been a challenge which has grown me as a mother. I have delighted in watching their unique personalities blossom. I can't wait to get to know them even more!
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