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My Dream Job

When I was in high school, I signed up to be on the school paper. It might have been just an attempt to get an easy credit for some people, but I really got into it. Writing was and is so much fun for me. I dreamed of being a journalist one day. I couldn't decide what might be better--being Carrie Bradshaw or Dear Abby. Carrie Bradshaw because, well, of all obvious reasons. Dear Abby because, you know, I think I know it all and would love to single-handedly solve all your problems. LOL. The third fabulous option I considered was being a writer for Hallmark because I rock at dishing out B.S. ; )

A job as a writer wasn't in the cards for me, but I do enjoy writing in my journal and blogging. It's so freeing. As an introvert I don't have very deep conversations even with people I consider true friends. Give me a pen and paper (yes, I still use these ancient utensils!) or a keyboard, however, and I will bare my soul.

So, anyway, I've had this idea for quite some time that since this is our last semester at seminary, I would lose some of my inhibitions and speak my mind more often. Surely I'm not the only one who has hidden parts of themselves for fear of being judged or being offensive or simply not fitting in. But, hey, if you're leaving never to see these people again, why not just come out and be that person you really are, right? There's safety in moving hundreds of miles away! Perhaps I have opened up a bit, but the whole idea went over about like the ideas I used to get on summer vacations from school--that THIS would be my year. I would be myself--but funnier and prettier--and everyone would love me and unanimously vote me homecoming queen and head cheerleader. (Why, yes, I do have issues.) In other words, it never happened.

But back to the subject at hand. We all have things we wish we could say or ask, and part of my speaking my mind initiative was asking bold questions, going beyond the mediocre interview stage into Barbara Walter territory. Wouldn't it be nice to wonder something personal, have the guts to ask someone, and then have them answer you honestly?! So, I got the idea that I would combine my two loves--writing and the improper sharing of personal information--and let you guys ask me anything. Is there something you've wondered about me but had the tact and/or good sense not to ask? Now's your chance! Ask me anything and I'll either answer you honestly or fabricate a humorous story (just kidding!) in a blog post.


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