Since I finally got a public library card, we've really enjoyed checking out lots of books. Last Wednesday after story time, Jathan went on a search for dragon books since he is BIG on the movie, How To Train Your Dragon. We stumbled upon a book entitled, "Yo, Vikings!" and Jathan and Keeleigh both loved it. It's based on a true story about an imaginative little girl (the author's daughter) who must research Eric the Red for a school assignment. In the end she is totally enthralled with Viking legends and receives a huge birthday surprise. In the story the main character fashions a foil Viking hat so we decided to make one, too!
Keeleigh also made a great Viking boat from clay but unfortunately I didn't get a picture of it before it got smooshed back into a lump.
I'm thinking our next project from this book will be painting some stone runes. I think Keeleigh would also love to read more some more in depth Viking legends. I never would have thought we would get so much fun about of a three-year old's request for a dragon book!
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