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Good Deal!

So last night our local "Coupon Queens" as they've been dubbed shared some tips at the homeschool meeting that left me in awe. I go to the grocery store and forget items ON MY LIST and these gals are practically doing rocket science in the check out lane (and online) with little ones in tow!

I may never getting my couponing tiara but I did manage to score a sweet deal earlier this week at The Salvation Army Family Store (on Claiborne) that I was excited about. See I've been doing "window" shopping for a cute new diaper bag and posting my findings on Facebook. I really had no idea there were so many diaper bag choices and I certainly had no clue they could cost so much! Unfortunately I also apparently have good taste because I kept finding cuter and cuter
bags and the cost kept going up and up. I stopped looking when some of the bags said $300 on the tag. Then I get a text from a friend telling me about some super cheap tags-still-on diaper bags at the Salvation Army.

Though flea market style deals are in my blood, we had only recently visited a Goodwill Store for the first time so I'm just getting getting my feet wet thrift shopping. Luckily I was alone this day (the kids were at home with Jackie) so I was able to peruse a little more than usual. I thought this store was GREAT and kept sending picture texts to Jackie of all the things I wanted to buy, ha ha! I ended up walking out of the store with just three things, though:

1. The diaper bag I'd come in hoping to find!

It's a Kalencom Silver Spoon Bag which is listed on for around $80 but I bought for $9.99!

2. A surprise find...A Longaberger basket! I've collected these for several years and they aren't known for having a small price tag. I was so excited to spot one on a back table with a big bunch of dilapidated faux flowers in it. I was even more excited when I turned it over and it had a $1.99 price tag on it!

Doesn't it look lovely on my baker's rack (minus the faded faux flowers!)?

3. A cute little glass container for Keeleigh to use as her first terrarium. Starting a terrarium is one of her school projects and though we have an aquarium waiting to be turned into a miniature jungle, I thought some of the bottle terrariums I've seen online would be fun to attempt as well. When I saw this little jar with a cork, I knew it'd be perfect.

When I got to the register, the cashier told me the diaper bag wasn't on sale and asked if I still wanted it. "It's $9.99?" I asked. It was. But it turned out the other two items were on sale for 50% off so my grand total was just over $12 and I'd gotten the Longaberger basket which is going for $50-$125 on Ebay for $1. Woo hoo!

Needless to say I've been bitten by the good deal bug, want to try my hand at couponing, and will be going back to the Salvation Army store!


  1. so cute!! im really glad you were able to find a bag that you liked!

  2. Which Salvation Army was it? I might go buy stuff just to sell on Ebay!!!


  3. Ha ha, Brooke! It was the one on Claiborne.


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